ABULADZE, A. 1983.Passage of some raptors of Baltic populations at Black Sea coast of Georgia and problems of they protection. - Absracts of the 11th Baltic Ornithological Conference. Tallinn: 49-51.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1986. Death of raptors in Caucasia. Collection of papers "Rare and endangered species of plants and animals in North Caucasia". Stavropol: 81-82. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1990. Otlov yastrebov gruzinskimi sokolnikami bazieri [Trapping of Hawks by the Georgian Hawkers Bazieri]. Metody izucheniya i okhrany khishchnykh ptits [Methods of study and conservation of birds of prey]. Moscow: 62-74. Fig.2. In Russian.
Since 1960s competitions of Hawkers from different provinces are holding in Georgia. At present there are about 3000 Hawkers -"Bazieri" in Georgian. Net, using by Bazieri and pool for Red-backed Shrike (Lanius collurio) are described in detail. Technology of preparing and trapping. Skilled Bazieri for one day can catch up to 10-15 Sparrow-hawks, but usually up to 5 Hawks.
ABULADZE, A. 1994. Birds of Prey in Georgia in the 20th Century. Raptor Conservation Today. WWGBP/The Pica Press: 23-28. In English.
Hawking is very popular in Western Georgia. Perhaps 3,000 Georgian Hawkers (Bazieri) often play a very negative role. They trap a great number of hawks, mainly Sparrow Hawks, rarely Goshawks and sometimes falcons. Control of their activities is difficult. Changes in attitude to raptors by Hawkers are given on diagramm.
ABULADZE, A. 1997. Status and Conservation Problems of Raptors in Caucasia. Newsletter of the World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls (WWGBP), No. 25/26 (1997): 15-19; 3 tables. In English.
ABULADZE, A. 1998. Daten zum Greifvogelzug Herbst 1997 in Georgien. Ornithologische Mitteilungen, Jahrgang 50, Nr.12-1998: 369-371; 1 table. In German.
ABULADZE, A.V. 1999. On the raptor passage in Georgia in autumn 1997. - Birds of Prey of Eastern Europe and North Asia. Part 2. Stavropol': 13-16. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A.V., EDISHERASHVILI, G.V. 2003. Raptor migration in Georgia in winter and autumn 1998. Materials of the 4th Conference on raptors of Northern Eurasia. Penza, 1-3 February 2003. Edited by Prof. Dr. Vladimir Galushin. Rostov-on-Don State Pedagogical University publ.house.: 106-109. In Russian.
BELYAEV, M. 1930. Okhota s lovchimi yastrebami v Abkhazskoi SSR [Hawking in the Abkhazian SSR]. Yesteztvoznanie v trudovoi shkole [Natural science in the labour school], No 8: 85-87. In Russian.
Very popular description of methods of catching, trainage and use of the Sparrow-hawks by the Abkhazian Hawkers (part of the North-Western Georgia). Almost the same, as the following article. In Abkhazia statystics is, perhaps, absent. Author suggests to spread this experience in other regions of the USSR. According to one Abkhazian hunter, it is happened already somewhere in Kuban' River area (western part of the North Caucasia).
BELYAEV, M.M. 1935. Yastreb-okhotnik [Hawk-hunter]. Boets-okhotnik [Fighter-hunter], year 5, No 4, p.27-29. 3 drawings by S.I. Belyaeva, painted from life. In Russian.
In Gudauty in Georgia on the Black Sea coast Author has met with local Abkhazian hawker - Sandro. Technology of the Sparrow Hawk trapping by means of Red-backed Shrike. Hawking by means of Sparrow-Hawks for Quails. At the end of paper a question from Editorial Board: Is Hawking by means of Sparrow Hawk very destructive for game resources or not?
BERNATSKII, G.I. 1953. Zapadnosibirskii teterevjatnik v Abkhazii [Westsiberian Goshawk in Abkhazia]. Priroda [Nature], No 12: 114-115. In Russian.
BERNATSKII, G.I. 1958. Ptitzy Pitsundskogo zapovednika (predvaritel'nyi obzor) [The Birds of Pitsunda Nature Reserve (preliminary review)]. Procc. of the Abkhazian State Museum, Iss. 3: 31-81. In Russian.
CHOGOVADZE, G. 1982. Bazieri Gruzii [Basieri of Georgia]. Okhota i okhotnich'ye khozyaistvo [Hunt and hunting industry]. No 12: 4-5. In Russian.
History and present status of hawking in West Georgia. 2 methods of Hawking: Georgian and Laz-Abkhazian method. The oldest women-bazieri Kh. Khatidze is 102 years old. Championship of Georgia in 1981 in Adjaria. All birds were released at the end of meeting. In Russian.
CHOGOVADZE, G. 1985. Sorevnuyutsya bazieri Gruzii [Bazieri of Georgia are in competition]. Okhota i okhotnich'ye khozyaistvo [Hunt and hunting industry]. No 5: 19; 3 b&w photos. In Russian.
Each command consists of 5 bazieri (Georgian name of Hawker). Principles of complectation of hawker commands and hawks for competition. Personal-command Championship of Georgia was held in Batumi. 80 bazieri. Award for the youngest bazieri - 9-years old E.Sarkhanidze. Necessity to prohibit trapping of hawks during migration as a hobby, where and when birds are trapping not for bazieri. Annual 5-days seminars. About contacts with Hungarian and Czech falconers.
CHOGOVADZE, G. 1998. Falconry in Georgia. Information Leaflet by the Section of Falconry, Georgian Union of Hunters and Fishermen, Batumi.
In Georgian.
DBAR, R.S. 1992. Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) in Abkhazia: methods of the catching and training by hawkers. Kavkazskii ornotologicheskii vestnik [Caucasian Ornithological Bulletin], Issue 4, part 1. Stavropol': 97-101. In Russian.
DEMENT'YEV, G.P. 1935. Okhota s lovchimi ptitsami [Falconry and hawking]. M., KOIZ. 96 pp. with ill., Bibliography on p.95. In Russian.
The most important scientific book on Falconry and Hawking in the USSR. In Russian.
- Review: PEGIN, V. 1935. Okhotnik Sibiri [Hunter of Siberia], year 9, No 12: 31-32. In Russian.
FLINT, V., SOROKIN, A. 1983. Okhota s lovchimi ptitsami v SSSR, sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy [Falconry in the USSR, present status and prospects]. Okhrana khishchnykh ptits [Conservation of birds of prey]. Materials of the 1st Meeting on ecology and conservation of raptors, February, 1983 Moscow: 25-32. In Russian.
Reasons of Falconry degradation in the USSR. Necessity of reglamentation of Falconry and Hawking, establishing of Falconer's clubs.
FLINT, V.E., SOROKIN, A.A. 1999. Sokol na perchatke [Falcon on the glove]. Moscow, "Egmont Russia publ.house": 328 pp. In Russian.
The most important modern book on Falconry in Russian language.
Very interesting materials on Hawking in Georgia are presented.
KOBYLIN, A.M. 1908. Materialy dlja ornitofauny Kavkazskogo kraja. Kutaisskaja guberniaja. Izvestiaja Kavkazskogo Muzeja, vol. III, iss. 4 Tiflis: 285 - 335. In Russian.
KOLENATI. 1846. Yastrebinaya okhota [The Hawk's hunting]. Kavkaz [Caucasia], No 40. In Russian.
MAANEN, E. van, GAVASHELISHVILI, A., GORADZE, I. & GORADZE, R. 2001. Trapping and Hunting of Migratory Raptors in Western Georgia. Bird Conservation International 11: 77-91 (English version).
- the same: MAANEN, E. van, GAVASHELISHVILI, A., GORADZE, I. & GORADZE, R. 2001. Ecology, numbers and protection of raptors in Georgia. De Takkeling 9: 118-134 (Dutch version).
Newsletters of International Association for Falconry and Conservation of Birds of Prey: Report on activities (1-1990) General Meeting 1989: pp. 10-17. USSR, including Georgia on p.13 in English and UdSSR on p.32 in German.; President's report (1992) Report on General Meeting 1991: Georgia on pp.40-41. In German.
ORBELIANI, Sulkhan-Saba. Sitghkvis kona. Dictionary of the Georgian language in which are presented data on old Georgian terminology regarding on the Falconry and Hawking. Compiled by author in 1725 in Moscow , Russia. The first edition was published in 1884.
The modern re-print edition: 1991 Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani, Sitghkvis kona. Lexikoni qarthuli. Tbilisi, "Merani" Publ. House: 637 pp. In Georgian.
PANOV, V. 1965. Yastreb-perepelyatnik i sorokoput: (lovchie ptitsy) [The Sparrow Hawk and Shrike: (hunting birds)]. Okhota i okhotnich'ye khozyaistvo [Hunt and hunting industry]. No 3: 7. 2 b&w photos and 1 figure. In Russian.
In Abkhazia a half of bagged Quails is trapped by means of hawking. For this a Shrike's nestling is taking from the nest and after rearing and "domestication", it is using as a bait-prey for Sparrowhawks. Technology of this method is described.
RANDLA, T. 1983. Jahikullid Gruusias [Hawking in Georgia]. Eesti Loodus, 12: 808-810. In Estonian with Russian and English summary.
An old custom is being revived in Georgia, namely that of using trained Sparrowhawks to make migrating Quail. For this purpose the local Hunters' Society organizes annual competitions for Hawkers. The inculcation of proper ethic convictions in hawks catchers is a problem.
REUTT, N. 1843. Zakavkazskaya okhota (s yastrebom i sokolom) [Trans-Caucasian hunt (with Hawk and Falcon)]. Zhurnal konnozavodstva i okhoty [Journal of horse-breeding and hunting], I: 52-55. In Russian.
General data about Hawking in Transcaucasia.
ROBAQIDZE, A. 1949. Hunting with Sparrowhawks in Guria. Dissertation. Institute of History, Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tblisi. In Georgian.
Saqarthvelos Sabchotha Entsiklopedia. 1977. [Georgian Soviet Enyclopaedia], vol.2, Tbilisi, Academy of Sciences: 144. In Georgian.
Description and genesis of the words BAZ, BAZIERI, BAZIERTHUKHUTSESI as well as some other terms, regarding on falconry , etc. are presented.
SURGULADZE, I. 1970. Memorials of the Georgian justice. Tbilisi, Publishing House of Academy of Sciences of Georgia: 311 p. In Georgian.
In the kings yards in the feodal Georgia the hunting department existed, which was managed by "Bazierthukhutsesi" literally - Elder of Falconers. All bazieri, huntsmen, foresters and other servants of hunting department were submitted to him. Besides that his duties included looking after Peregrine Falcon nests and control for collecting and direction into the treasury of "Peregrine Falcon's tax". Data on reglamentation of Falconry and Hawking are given. According to the "dasturamal" i.e. code of laws of the King Vakhtang (chapter 59, paragraphs 193 - 195) the different positions existed separately for Goshawks and Sparrowhawks, separately for Peregrines and Sakers. Bazieri of the tsar yard was in the service in hunting department and was submitted to Baziethukhutsesi.
VANISHVILI, M., THANDILAVA, A. 1964. Lazethi [Lazethi (Lazica, Lazistan) - former province of Georgia, at present belonged to Turkey]. "Sabchotha Sakarthvelo" Publ. House, Tbilisi: 1-177 pp. In Georgian.
Lazethi [Lazethi - (in different languages - Lazica, Lazistan) - name of one of the Cis-Black Sea provinces of Georgia, whose major part at the present time is situated within the modern borders of Turkey]. "Sabchotha Sakarthvelo" Publ. House, Tbilisi: -177 pp. In Georgian. On the pp. 90-91 authors in detail describe the ancient method of trapping of Sparrow Hawks and their use for hawking on Quail by Lazes - inhabitants of this province. These methods slightly are distinguishing from those, which are using by Georgian Hawkers - Bazieri, and more is similar to such ones, used by Abkhazians in North-Western Georgia. Very informative and interesting data about old customs and traditions, connected with falconry.
ZHORDANIA, P. 1967. Phrthosani megobrebi [Winged assistants (hunting birds)]. Saqartvelos buneba [Nature of Georgia], 9: 14.
Modern status of Falconry throughout the world with accent on rehabilitation in Georgia. In Georgian.
ZHORDANIA, P. 1968. Nadiroba damtcheri phrinvelebith [Hunt with hunting birds]. Saqartvelos buneba [Nature of Georgia], 3: 21; 5: 20; 10: 19. In Georgian.
Edited variant of Chapter from the book by the same Author of 1965.
ZHORDANIA, P. 1969. Monadiris tsnobari [Hunter's manual]. Tbilisi, "Sabtchotha Saqartvelo" Publ. 182 p. In Georgian.
Chapter "Nadiroba damtcheri (mtatsebeli) phrinvelebith" [Hunt with hunting birds]. Details of catching, trainage and hunting with Hawks by Georgian Hawkers are described. Recommendations for beginners. 132-141 pp. 3 b&w ill.
ZHORDANIA, P. 1970. Damtcheri phrinvelebi. Shevardeni. [Hunting birds. Peregrine Falcon]. Saqartvelos buneba [Nature of Georgia], 7: 22. In Georgian.
Popular review about falconry with Peregrine.
ZHORDANIA, P. 1970. Damtcheri phrinvelebi. Qori, Mimino. [Hunting birds. Goshawk, Sparrow-hawk]. Saqartvelos buneba [Nature of Georgia], 8:18. 1 b&w figure. In Georgian.
Popular brief description of methods of use of Goshawk and Sparrowhawk by the Georgian Bazieri.
GAMSAKHURDIA, Konstantine. 1961. Didostatis marjvena [Right hand of the great Master]. Translation from Georgian into Russian by F.Tvaltvadze. Moscow, "Izvestiya" Publ. 340 pp. 1st edition in Georgian in 1939, in Russian in 1956, in English in 1958, translated from Georgian into English by Vakhtang Eristavi. Historical novel about famous Georgian architect Konstantine Arsakidze (968-1029). Scenes of Falconry and Hawking are described on pp. 12, 51, 64, 65, 71, 92, 93, 94, 95, 142, 186, 190, 217, 223, 306. In Russian.
RUSTAVELI, Shota. Vephkhvistghkaosani [The Knight in the Tiger's Skin (or the Lord of the Panter Skin)]. State University of New York Press. (Translated in English from Georgian). This is poem of the most famous Georgian poet of 12th cent. Shota Rustaveli. About Falcons, Hawks and Falconry speech is going in quatrain NN 474, 477, 602.
SAULIN, P. 1959. Chernyai. Okhotnich'i prostory [Hunting scopes]. Anthology. Moscow, No 12: pp. 145-147. Popular history of one little Peregrine Falcon, received in exchange to 1 kg of gunpowder in Georgia. Previous host of falkon Pirveli brought bird from Germany from baron - falconer after end of 2nd World War. 2 b&w figures. In Russian.
SPANGENBERG, Ye. 1973. Ptitsy, zaitsy, lisitsy i prochie [Birds, hares, foxes and others..]. Moscow, 191 p. Chapter "Okhota s perepelyatnikom [Hawking with Sparrow-hawk]" on p.123-128. In the book for children the famous naturalist describes hawking by means of Sparrow hawks for Quails on the Black Sea coast of Georgia. 4 b&w draw. In Russian.
ABULADZE, A. 1987. Sorevnujutsja sokol'niki. Newspaper "Sovetskaja Adzharia", (Batumi, Georgia), 7 October 1987, No 193 (16129): 4, 2 b&w photos. In Russian. Information on results of the hawker's competition of Ajaria Autonomous Republic on October 1987 in Batumi town.
ABULADZE, A. 1987. Khishnym ptitsam - zabotu cheloveka. Newspaper "Sovetskaja Adzharia" (Batumi, Georgia), 9 October 1987, No 195 (16131): 4. In Russian. Letter in newspaper about 1st All-Union Conference "Falconry and problems of raptors conservation" in Batumi -capital of the Ajaria Autonomous Republic.
AKHVLEDIANI, M. 1988. Sokolinaja okhota. Newspaper "Molodoezh' Gruzii" (Tbilisi, Georgia), 12 January 1988: 4. In Russian. Letter about the 1st All-Union Seminar on Falconry and Conservation of the Birds of Prey in October 1987 in Batumi.
Anonynomous. 1986. Okhota v Gruzii [Hunt in Georgia]. Okhota i okhotnich'ye khozyaistvo [Hunt and hunting industry]. No 10: 3-5. In Russian.
Briefly all types of hunting in Georgia are described, including Hawking. At the beginning of October every year competition on Hawking are helding in Georgia. Personal leadership among two bird groups: among birds younger 1 year and elder 1 year. 4 photos.
BURKADZE, I. 1990. Sokoly sletelis' v Opochno. Newspaper "Sovetskaja Adzharia" (Batumi, Georgia), 13 October 1990: 4. In Russian. Interview with Chairmen of the Georgian National Section of the Hunting Birds Givi Chogovadze about participation of Georgian falconers "Bazieri" in international meeting of falconers in Opochno.
CHOGOVADZE, G. 1986. International meetings of Falconers [in Hungary]. Okhota i okhotnich'ye khozyaistvo [Hunt and hunting industry]. No 2. 42-43. Photo 1. In Russian.
CHOGOVADZE, G. 1991. Pochetnyi Bazieri [Honourable bazieri (about A. Bagratishvili)]. Okhota i okhotnich'ye khozyaistvo [Hunt and hunting industry]. No 2: 13. In Russian.
In the region of the Zelenyi Mys it is possible to see hunting Hawk in almost each yard. A. Bagratishvili is honourable member of Hawking Section of Georgian Hunter's Society since its establishing in 1968, judge of the Republican category. He celebrates his 85th birthday.
GURULI, V. 1987. Vozrozhdenie drevnei okhoty. Newspaper "Sovetskaja Adzharia" (Batumi, Georgia), 17 October 1987, No 200 (16136): 4, 3 b&w photos. In Russian.
Data about the First All-Union Conference on Falconry and Conservation of the Birds of Prey, in Batumi (9-14 October 1987). Interview with some participants. Results of the Championship 1987 of Georgia in Hawking which was held in Batumi.
LOPUKHOV, I. 1960. Fauna i okhota v Adzharii [Fauna and hunting in Adjaria]. Okhotnich'i prostory [Hunting scopes]. No 15. Moscow: 171-179. In Russian.
About Hawking on pp.176-177. Several paragraphes about 70-years old hawker Yusup Vardmenidze. He hunts for Quails during more 50 years. He has tamed more 100 hawks. They catched thousands Quails.
SINEL'NIKOV, A. 1989. Sokolinaja okhota ne zabyta. Newspaper "Zarja Vostoka" (Tbilisi, Georgia), 10 March 1989, No 57 (19311): 1. In Russian. Letter in newspaper about present status of Falconry in Georgia.
SOROKIN, A.G. 1990. Okhota s ptitsei na ruke [Hunting with bird on the hand]. Les i chelovek [Forest and man]. Annual 1991. Moscow: 104-107. In Russian.
History and present status of the Falconry and Hawking in some regions, including Georgia.
E-mail: bazieri@mail.ge![](http://narod.yandex.ru/images/u_templ/narod.gif)